Your support and help give others hope
We act for you and on your behalf. We are here to make your everyday life in the UK more effortless for you. Each amount of support means more help on our part.

Business HUB

It's a solution for new and existing UK businesses. Business support, especially for people starting their adventure in UK, is significant. Please support us so that we can help local companies to cope with the challenges they face.
Donation Now !

Courses and Tutorials

It often happens that not knowing what to do causes us not to do it. We are working on guides that show you how to cope with everyday life in the UK. Your support will allow us to create more guides available for everyone and for free.
Donation Now !

Easy English

The English Language Support Program is vital for people who permanently live in the UK and for people who would like to move here in the future. Our foundation works with other organizations to ensure that learning is more avaliable.
Donation Now !

Your eBay shopping can help PBCF Foundation in achieving its goals

Here will you find a list of eBay for Charity auctions which will partly or fully contribute to support of our Foundation.

Sell your products on eBay service (Sell4Free)

If you possess something that you do not need anymore but it is still in good condition and can be useful to someone please feel free to sell it on PBCF Foundation dedicated eBay auctions.

Zapraszamy do wystawiania wszystkich przedmiotów na aukcjach eBay dla Charity. Możecie w ten sposób przeznaczyć procentowo ustaloną część lub całość z uzyskanej ceny sprzedaży (od 1% do 100%) na wsparcie działań naszej fundacji a my zamieścimy Wasze aukcje na naszych stronach internetowych i zajmiemy się ich dodatkową promocją.

Support us:

Additional information

Every person who has an account can support our Foundation by partly donating auction money to charity. By choosing PBCF Foundation you can support a growing Community that offers help to anybody who needs it but mostly to people socially excluded. Your generous donations will help to quickly develop PBCF Foundation pro-social programs and will strengthen the Foundation itself. Thanks to eBay for Charity you have the possibility to show your auctions also on our websites and many other places where our promotional activities will take place, which may result in making your auctions more attractive. By supporting our charity through your sale on eBay you will gain free access to all of our promotional materials.


If you decide to contribute a 100% of your auction sales – eBay charges are down to zero. By doing that you can easily get rid of anything practically without leaving home.

PBCF Charity account on eBay for charity


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