Your support and help give others hope
We act for you and on your behalf. We are here to make your everyday life in the UK more effortless for you. Each amount of support means more help on our part.

Business HUB

It's a solution for new and existing UK businesses. Business support, especially for people starting their adventure in UK, is significant. Please support us so that we can help local companies to cope with the challenges they face.
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Courses and Tutorials

It often happens that not knowing what to do causes us not to do it. We are working on guides that show you how to cope with everyday life in the UK. Your support will allow us to create more guides available for everyone and for free.
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Easy English

The English Language Support Program is vital for people who permanently live in the UK and for people who would like to move here in the future. Our foundation works with other organizations to ensure that learning is more avaliable.
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Who we are

We are a group of enthusiasts who want to share their knowledge and experience with others. We believe that access to knowledge, information, and tools needed in everyday life in the UK should be available free for everyone. We want to develop a website based service with advices and examples on how to improve and facilitate your life in the UK.

When we decided to move for good into the UK in 2013, we encountered many new challenges along the way. In practice, we were unprepared for the many everyday life situations we were facing and often the new experiences that emerged were not always positive. We knew, however, that we had to deal with them if we wanted to stay here in the UK permanently. We looked for reliable sources and answers to our questions and dispelled our doubts along the way. Yet, it was hard sometimes. With every new challenge we became more and more confident that we would like to help others. Creating of the Polish British Community Foundation that would strengthen our community development and integration with the British society became the overriding goal for the actions taken. We were learning new things the hard way and we strived to achieve our goals by focusing on cooperation with reliable and experienced advisers.

Bearing in mind the challenges of 2020/2021 time as well as being on the threshold of the next great changes, both legislative and legal in the UK, and the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the creation of a free information service for people looking for answers in their native language on current issues related to living in the UK has become our priority program. We wanted to create a place friendly to all people looking for support and necessary information needed in their everyday life in the UK. We provide our materials both in Polish and in English. We want all PBCF materials to be written in a way that is understandable to every user, to be as helpful as possible, so all the members of our ever-growing community can use them widely. Thank you in advance for all your suggestions and help.

The establishment of the Polish British Community Foundation, which is a charity organization, was initially guided by actions to reduce the social exclusion of newcomers, emigrants, including people of the Polish origin as well as of all others that need our help through e-networking or e-advice services We hope that our programs will strengthen people who, like us, have decided to live in the UK. Thanks to Your help we can support integration of foreign minorities into the British society in daily life as well as help them on a lifelong basis.

Our activities include access to knowledge on various aspects of life, ranging from basic social and legal matters, e.g., where and how to buy public transport tickets, how to organize your life in the UK from the very beginning, how to find and rent a room or a house or on where you can get free legal advice. We will advise you on whether you should contract a book keeper or perhaps do it yourself. We will guide you on how to find a good employer, what kind of supplementary courses to take, how to file an application for a social benefit or a grant, where to look for a good insurance basing on your personal circumstances. Our guides will explain how to open and run your business in the UK. By helping others we would like to grow and broaden our and Your knowledge building a stable and friendly community.

We believe that through establishing of the PBCF foundation and its’ constant development we will be able to pursue even more ambitious future goals together with You. Aiming at the constant development of our organization, we invite specialized consulting, legal and accounting companies, as well as all other companies willing to support our educational and aid activities. At each stage of our development, we will invite other active organizations whose support for the community and its’ development lies within the scope of their statutory activities. We will strive for the best possible cooperation between volunteers, our employees, and PBCF members while operating on the charity market. Our goal is to increase recognisability of our free educational services, which will allow us to strengthen our aid activities. We want the PBCF charity organization to become a space where all people seeking everyday life help as well as those who want to broaden their knowledge of after Brexit changes, can find what they need. Following the highest standards of trust implemented by charity organizations that work on development of a modern communities, we would especially hope to reach out to all those who factually got satisfied or pleased with our professional answers to their issues.

Thank You for support:


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