Your support and help give others hope
We act for you and on your behalf. We are here to make your everyday life in the UK more effortless for you. Each amount of support means more help on our part.

Business HUB

It's a solution for new and existing UK businesses. Business support, especially for people starting their adventure in UK, is significant. Please support us so that we can help local companies to cope with the challenges they face.
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Courses and Tutorials

It often happens that not knowing what to do causes us not to do it. We are working on guides that show you how to cope with everyday life in the UK. Your support will allow us to create more guides available for everyone and for free.
Donation Now !

Easy English

The English Language Support Program is vital for people who permanently live in the UK and for people who would like to move here in the future. Our foundation works with other organizations to ensure that learning is more avaliable.
Donation Now !


As a thank you to all our volunteers for their support there will be lotteries announced with additional prizes. In that way the PBCF Foundation wants to promote socially beneficial activities in the UK, as anybody can become a volunteer really. It is not important if you spend 1h or 12h for your voluntarily activities. It is important that you want to help others. The good that you pass to the Foundation, thanks to the lotteries, can one day really come back to you. Not only as a form of discounts from our partners but also as actual gifts that have been passed on to our Foundation.

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