Your support and help give others hope
We act for you and on your behalf. We are here to make your everyday life in the UK more effortless for you. Each amount of support means more help on our part.
Aby nasza misja mogła się realizować potrzebujemy przede wszystkim rosnącej grupy Członków oraz Wolontariuszy, którzy poza dostępem do programów i działań na rzecz rozwoju nowoczesnej społeczności i Fundacji PBCF, będą chcieli zostać opiniotwórczą grupą na temat usług i produktów naszych Partnerów. Pozytywne i wiarygodne opinie w dzisiejszych czasach są ogromną wartością dodaną dla każdego biznesu, nawet tego bardzo dużego. Wiarygodność, transparentność, wielojęzyczność waszych stron, wasze najnowsze osiągnięcia oraz działania na rzecz rozwoju społecznego tworzącego Wspólnoty a także zaufanie i lojalność klientów stanowi podstawę rozwoju dla biznesu przyszłości. Wszyscy najprawdopodobniej już chyba wiemy, że w nowoczesnej gospodarce, aby odnieść sukces nie wystarczy już sama sprzedaż towarów i usług, ale przede wszystkim liczy się wspólne dobro, które bez problemu zwiększy rozpoznawalność każdej marki.
There is no Foundation without volunteers, and there is a lot of truth to it as without volunteers the Foundation can do little, or founding is needed for everything. When it comes to the point when the Foundation needs full-time employees, “the most active volunteer becomes the best employee” rule applies. Those type of employees not only combine their personal interests with their qualifications but also lift up the spirit of the organization that is to say they unite the passion of giving into huge helping force for those in need. This is also very well received by potential employers who pick their new employees from among charity qualifier volunteers.
Since we operate mainly online, we will need anyone who is capable of working this way. We need specialists in the field of accounting, British law or people who can help in filling out documents for our members. We need people willing to translate texts from English into Polish. We need enthusiasts who can help with fundraising, both online and in the field. We are also looking for network marketing, search engine optimization, media, social networking, digital photography specialists as well as many other modern networking community professionals. The more experience you possess, the more precious your support will be, especially if you would like to share it with all of us.
Thank You for support:
Your help will be offered mainly remotely, probably from home, so it is only up to you when and how much time you spend on it. Even an hour a week is an additional working hour for us, which is very important. If you have any time that you can use to help our Foundation, please contact us.
Anyone who wishes to become a PBCF volunteer is asked to complete the application form at You can download a copy of the form and send it back by e-mail to or fill out the online version of the form on our website. After expressing your interest in volunteering, you will be contacted in 72 hours by us and you will receive all the information about our work as well as how you can get engaged in our present projects as a volunteer. Upon receiving of the contact form potential volunteers may be invited to an informal chat in person, by phone or online. The interview is an occasion for us to get to know you better and the reasons why you decided to become a PBCF volunteer. Selected candidates will be invited to a meeting at the PBCF office, where they will learn about the role of the volunteer and the specific tasks to be undertaken after completing all the necessary forms.